You don’t like slow websites. Neither do your customers. The bottom line is, if your site loads slowly your visitors and potential customers will just hit the back button on their browser to find a different site. The internet of today is much different from five or even one year ago. Websites that load and provide access quickly and efficiently will absolutely return better and higher than a site that does not. Chance Ad is your go to source for Orlando Website Hosting.
Chance Ad provides Orlando Website Hosting services that feature ultra high performance Solid State Drives (SSDs). Our SSD servers will load your webpages 300% faster than any other hosting package out there, hands down. Business website hosting services with Chance Ad means solid reliability. And Google, Yahoo, and Bing ranks sites higher that have a faster load speed as well.
All of our servers, all of our hardware is 100% stateside. There’s no offshore hosting services equipment with Chance Ad. We manage your website here stateside so you don’t have to. And if you do have a question, or want to make a change – we speak the language and we pick up the phone.
There are many advantages to hosting your website with Chance Ad. First and foremost we manage the entire hosting process for your website from creation to going live. We handle all the file transfer protocol (FTP). Secondly and probably the biggest advantage to hosting with Chance Ad is we keep your website up to date whenever there is an algorithm change, i.e. Panda, Penguin or Hummingbird. We make the necessary changes or updates to your site on our servers with no down time, no issues, and no effect on your site’s ranking or page return.
Another great advantage to hosting with Chance Ad is we don’t provide hosting for any questionable websites – period. So you get peace of mind knowing your site is hosted and live on the internet beside other quality, reputable, spam free business websites. Call us at 407-703-3938 to find out more.
Chance Ad also manages your entire WordPress and image databases with our business website hosting packages. We keep your WordPress site and it’s related plug ins up to date and current with all the major developer changes. This is all included in our business website hosting packages. Chance Ad also provides 24 hours support for any website hosted on our servers. We also can transfer your current website from your existing host account to our Solid State Drive SSD hosting as well.
It’s just that easy. If you are looking for the best website hosting in Florida – call Chance Ad at 407-703-3938.