July 27, 2015

On Page SEO

On Page SEO or Search Engine Optimization, is simply that.  The optimization, through structure, layout, and tags that occurs on your website’s actual pages – THAT is On Page SEO.  Chance Ad provides On Page SEO services for existing and new websites. We stay current with all of the guidelines and changes that come along from Google, Yahoo, and Bing and how it affects On Page SEO

There is an optimum structure for laying out a website that the major internet search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, & Bing actually look for when indexing a website.  A website that is structured correctly will rank higher and better than a site that does not have good solid structure.  The following list is just some of the website tags that need to be implemented correctly for a website to achieve maximum rankings with search engines, hence good On Page SEO

On Page SEO Checklist

Title Tags – (may include keyword, name, & phone)
Viewport – (to insure mobile compatibility)
Google Analytics
Stylesheet Tags
Head Tag
Body Tag
Div All Tag
Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.)
Image Tags (keyword identified)
150-180 words (“wordsmithed” text before the scroll)
300-500 Total Words on the Page
Clickable Phone Number

There’s also more in depth tags such as datalist, keygen, and even output tags. And the World Wide Web Consortium W3 continues to develop and update the available tag list every year. So, if you want to make sure that your website is built 100% optimized for search engines right out of the gate, go with the pros at Chance Ad. We have the know how and experience to make sure that your website has all the proper On Page SEO techniques implemented. This will in turn insure your website returns higher in the search engines every time.

Call our shop anytime for a free consultation 407-703-3898.